Tuesday, July 15, 2008

East Baltimore Midway Redevelopment Phase II

Now the previous post doesn't cover the entire East Baltimore Midway neighborhood. This post will. This plan will commence around 2014-2016 after the initial plan is well underway and the market can absorb the additional units. This area of East Baltimore Midway has a healthier housing stock so there will be less demolition and more preservation. The boundaries of this plan are as follows North Avenue to the south, Kennedy Avenue to the west, 22ndSt. to the southwest, 25th St. to the north and Harford Road to the east.
As I mentioned in my previous post the Kirk Avenue Bus Station will be relocated to Greenmount and 25thSt. to create a Multi Modal Transit Hub and Cecil Elementary will close and students will be redistricted to Harford Heights Elementary/Middle. In addition to Cecil Elementary Johnston Square and Dr. Bernard Harris Sr. Elementaries will close and be sent to Harford Heights which will be renamed South Clifton Park Elementary/Middle.The targeted area for intense redevelopment will be below Bonaparte Avenue where there is more disinvestment and blight. There is also industrial land here which isn't in sync with the new development. New development like that in the previous post will be TOD condos and town homes with a smaller retail element than that of the previous post. Above Bonaparte Avenue will be mostly infill development and low interest rehab loans to invest in the existing housing stock. However, the 25st. corridor is in desperate need of a makeover. This will be the retail spine of the neighborhood hopefully luring a full service Grocery Store here with sit down restaurants that include outdoor seating. The CSX tracks will be berried underground via Eminent Domain to speed up the process.The income mix will be similar to but not identical to that of the previous post. This 60% will be market rate homewnership 30% market rate rental and 10% public housing.
East Baltimore Midway has been in a sea of blight and urban decay for too long to let it continue to rot. The same can be said about its neighbors which will see the same level of reinvestment and redevelopment in the coming years.

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