Friday, July 18, 2014

Lets Make Baltimore More Walkable

Although I consider Baltimore to be a very walkable City, there is always room for improvement. Whether it's an additional line or stops on the Charm City Calculator, adding more sidewalks to recently redeveloped areas of the city, adding lighting, redevelopment of eyesores, or just about anything to provide a more welcoming environment to certain areas of the City, making Baltimore more walkable is key to the continued growth of the City and to continue to add Neighborhoods to the City's showcase. What will follow is a series of areas in the City that I believe will benefit from being more walkable. Stay tuned for more!


  1. Getting better mass transit would go a long way. Every time I come back from DC to Baltimore, it feels like I enter a third world when it comes to transit. Busses can only do so much, since they have to fight the same traffic as cars. We need to pick one rail transit option (preferably Metro), and make all of our rail stations be the same, with connections. It's too hodge podge now, kind of like an afterthought.
