the name of this post suggests, I would like to reopen Gay St. This
matter has been discussed quite often from shareholders invested in the
dying Oldtown Mall. They believe that closing off Gay St. and making it a
pedestrian mall was a big mistake. I defy you to find anybody that
disagrees with that logic. A portion of Howard St. was closed off and
that killed the Westside of Downtown as did the closing off Lexington
St. just west of Charles Center. Howard St. has long since reopened and
Lexington St. will reopen shortly if it hasn't done so already. The
Oldtown Master Plan does call for Gay St. to reopen but only a tiny
portion of it. The plan only shows Gay St. being reopened between Forest
St. and Aisquith St. Personally, I don't see how this revitalize
Oldtown Mall and the rest of the Neighborhood as a chain reaction. That
is why we must make way for Gay St.
St. begins at the Inner Harbor at Pratt St. It goes north for a few
blocks as a one way street and then turns northeast intersecting the
JFX. You can exit Gay St. and go northbound on the JFX if that's your
destination. Continuing along Gay St. you will see the Baltimore City
Fire Museum straight ahead which is the beginning of Oldtown Mall.
Oldtown Mall begins at Orleans St. and this is where Gay St. currently
ends. All traffic bares a slight left to go onto Ensor St. rather than
driving through Oldtown Mall. Ensor St. will eventually dump its traffic
onto Harford Avenue. Now I'm going to get rid of Ensor St. all
together. Traffic on Gay St. will continue along Gay St. straight
through Oldtown Mall. Given that this is a narrow stretch of road there
won't be any shoulders or on street parking for Oldtown Mall along Gay
St. Oldtown Mall (reopened Gay St.) lets at Aisquith St. at Monument St.
In the Oldtown Master Plan, this is where Gay St. would end. This isn't
the Oldtown Master Plan this is my plan and I'm going to continue Gay
order for Gay St. to continue past Monument St. a few things would have
to happen. First, Aisquith St. will have to end at Gay St. Second,
the Monument honoring Henry G. McComas will have to be moved to the
Dunbar Athletic Field, and finally a traffic light will have to be
installed at Gay St. and Monument St. Gay St. will then cut through the
eastern edge of the Dunbar Athletic Fields where a new roundabout at Gay
St, Madison St, and Central Avenue will be constructed. Past the
roundabout, Gay St. will intersect Eden St, Ashland Avenue, and Caroline
St. before hitting Church Square Shopping Center.
I would have loved to
have redeveloped Church Square so that the new Save A Lot Grocery Store
could be larger than the 22,000 Square Feet it currently is. Given how
landlocked Church Square is I don't see that happening without major
disruption to the surrounding area. However, between Eden St. and
Ashland Avenue, the parking lot for the high rise will have to be torn
down. and relocated just east of its current location to make way for
the two lane one way street. The loading dock for the Save A Lot will
also have to be reconfigured to make way for Gay St.
northeast of Church Square, is Bond St. and the titular Bond St.
Apartments. Up until now there hasn't been much disruption by extending
Gay St. sure move a parking lot here, move a statue there but as far as
moving actual buildings goes everything has been spared, until now. The
courtyard that's in the pathway of Gay St. simply isn't wide enough for
two lanes of northbound traffic nor is it safe to leave the Apartment
Buildings where they are even if the front doors were moved. As a
result, those two buildings will have to be demolished and rebuilt in a
way that Gay St. can co exist peacefully with them. Bond St. Apartments
are just southwest of Broadway and Broadway is where Gay St. continues!
We've made it! Gay St. is now one continuous road from Pratt St. all the
way to Broadway. From Broadway Gay St. runs to North Avenue and then
becomes Belair Road. On the existing part of Gay St. I would turn it
into two way traffic and plant a landscaped median in the middle as well
as designated bike lanes. Hopefully, this newly designed Gay St. will
promote redevelopment more traffic going through the Broadway East
Neighborhood which suffers from severe population loss and abandoned
homes. I would love this to be a catalyst for redevelopment in Broadway
East as a fringe benefit.
Oldtown Master Plan calls for Gay St. to reopened from Forest St. to
Aisquith St. Although I'm for that I'm also for connecting Gay St. from
Orleans St. to Broadway as a continuous one way northbound street. In
short, Make Way for Gay St! Stay tuned for Part II The Harford/Hillen/Esnor redesign.